
9.22 first day of Highland sec

Today I went to a school at 10:00 and I came back home around 2 pm. I just took orientations of each classes today. I have 4 classes, physics, math11, art and PE!


9.21 I'll talk about these days

Hello. I'm so sorry I have not written blog since last blog. I have lots of things I want to talk to you. From Sep 8 to 19, all of international students went to a middle school to study. We had some classes, geography, history of Canada, first nation, art, music and PE. Sometimes it was not interesting, but I was able to meet friends from all over the world. Korea, China, Thai, Brazil, Mexico, Spain, Italy, Germany, Hungary, Denmark, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Nigeria, South Africa and Australia. I think it was good opportunity for me. 
On Monday school start! Finally! I'm really excited!  

9.1~9.2 sleepover at Victoria's house

Yesterday morning, I went to Victoria's house to stay over night. Victoria is from Hong Kong and my best friend. We met in the summer school and sometimes we hang out some places. We have to speak English because we cannot speak each other language.So it's good environment for us. Before I came to her house, my host mom called Victoria's host mom to talk about our sleepover. My host mom didn't know her. But after calling, my host mom said we know each other while laughing. Because they are teacher and work at same school. Victoria's host family has big yard and a dog. I like there!! We had no plan, so her host mom and dad took us to Coombs and Parksvil. In Coombs there were many international stuff. I found Japanese section!! Then I was too excited!! I bought sushi staff. I'll make sushi for my host family someday.
                   Mexican wall tiles 
Totem pole
Bears with alpaca hear

After we came to Victoria's house, we had dinner together. Victoria's host mom and dad were so nice. Thank you♡I had good time!!


8.31 new blog

Today I decided to make diary blogs. I was writing blogs in the summer school. When a last day of the summer school, I got a score paper of it and it was written that we recommend Mako continue the daily writing exercise of a blog, or another similar exercise, to enhance her writing fluency and grammar competency. So I'll try to do it every day as well as possible.

I'll write about yesterday. Yesterday morning I and my house mate, Gabriela cleaned our suite room. She is from Brazil and she came here last Saturday. I called her Gabi. After that, we decided to go to downtown Courtney because we were boring. Always my host mom pick me up to a bus stop when I go to anyway. But then we wanted to exercise, so we walked to a bus stop in front of our school for about 40 minutes. we found lots of black berries and tried to eat them. Some of them were not delicious, but some of them were sweet. Around 1 o'clock, we arrived at the downtown. Gabi said I'm hungry, so we went to restaurant was named zocalo. Most of stuff in the restaurant were kind of expensive. I didn't know that because it was first time for me to go there. We ordered hamburgers. Both of them were so big size. It was delicious.

After dinner we went to a library and I found Japanese comics in English, so I lend two comics. Gabi told me that in Brazil people call it manga. When I hard it, I couldn't help laughing. It was so funny.

When we went back home, I met some new people. They were my host father's brother, his nephew, his friends. They can speak some languages. One lady can speak English, French, German! They were amazing!!